How to Maintain Customer Loyalty With a Membership Community

Do you want to keep your customers engaged with your business or brand?  Looking for a way to maintain customer connections at scale? Launch a no-cost or paid membership.

Starting a membership community takes time, effort, and careful planning. By understanding your ideal members, creating a valuable experience, and leveraging the right tools, you can build a thriving community that serves its members well. Remember that building a successful membership is not just about the number of members but the quality of engagement and the value you provide to each individual.

These tips will help you set up and manage a community that is valuable to you and your members:

Understand Your Customer

To identify your ideal members, consider:

  • Their life circumstances
  • Challenges they face that relate to your product or service
  • What they’re looking for in a community
  • Their demographic and psychographic information
  • Any gaps in support or connection they’re experiencing in their current work or social circles

It’s important to understand not just the professional needs of your customers but also their personal situations. This holistic view helps create a more meaningful and supportive community.

Create a Safe and Valuable Space

Providing a safe space for members to connect and be vulnerable involves transparency and living your organization’s values. This approach helps attract the right people and create a strong sense of community.

To create a valuable membership experience:

  • Be clear about your organization’s values and communicate them often
  • Encourage open and honest communication
  • Provide opportunities for members to connect on a personal level
  • Address challenges and issues within the community openly
  • Create an environment where members feel comfortable sharing both their professional and personal struggles

Strive to create a place where people can show up as their whole selves, discussing their ambitions and vulnerabilities. This balance helps members feel supported and understood in all aspects of their lives.

Leverage Technology for Membership Management

Choosing the right technology is crucial for managing your membership community.

A dedicated membership management tool can help streamline your engagement. When selecting a membership management platform, take your time to research and test different options. Consider factors like user experience, features, and long-term sustainability. This is an important investment, so spending at least 3–6 months researching and testing different platforms before deciding is reasonable.

It is also essential to choose a platform that can grow with your organization and meet your specific needs. Consider whether you want the platform to handle just membership information or if you need it to serve as a customer relationship management system (CRM). Also, consider whether you need features like a learning management system (LMS) for educational content.

Engage Your Members

To keep members engaged and retain them long-term, employ these strategies:

  • Offer one-on-one onboarding calls with new members
  • Use automation to send timely reminders and follow-ups
  • Provide various ways for members to connect and participate
  • Continuously deliver value through content, events, and networking opportunities. Consumers are becoming more savvy about subscriptions and memberships. They appreciate convenience but are quick to leave if they don’t see ongoing value.
  • Use automation tools to send welcome emails, reminders for events, and follow-ups after interactions

Price Your Membership

If you choose a paid model, keep your pricing structure straightforward. Don’t offer more than two main membership options, as it can complicate things for you and your members. Consider these options:

  • An annual membership
  • A monthly membership with a discounted trial period
  • A student rate

You should also consider your operating costs when setting prices.

Today’s advice is provided with insights from Amy Vaughan,