How To Perform a Facebook Profile Audit

Best Practices for Facebook Banners

Adhering to Facebook Guidelines

Facebook has specific guidelines for banners, and it’s essential to ensure that your banner meets these requirements. Ensure that your banner doesn’t violate any of Facebook’s guidelines, such as using copyrighted material or misleading content.

Testing and Optimization

Testing and optimizing your Facebook banner is crucial in maximizing its effectiveness. Conduct A/B testing to determine which banner performs best and make data-driven decisions based on the results. Continuously optimize your banner to ensure that it remains effective over time.

Updating Your Banner Regularly

Updating your Facebook banner regularly is crucial in keeping it fresh and relevant. Use seasonal themes, promotions, and other relevant content to keep your banner up-to-date and engaging. Ensure that your banner reflects your brand’s current messaging and values.


Creating a professional Facebook banner is an essential component of any successful social media strategy. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create a high-quality banner that resonates with your target audience and showcases your brand’s unique personality. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things, and remember to keep your banner fresh and relevant by updating it regularly. With these tips and best practices, you can create a Facebook banner that stands out and makes a lasting impression.

How To Create the perfect Facebook cover for pages, groups

A professional Facebook banner is an essential component of any successful social media strategy. It’s the first thing visitors see when they land on your page, and it can make a significant impact on their perception of your brand. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various aspects of designing and crafting content for a high-quality Facebook banner. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or social media enthusiast, this guide is a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their Facebook presence.

Designing Your Facebook Banner

Size and Dimensions

The ideal size for a Facebook banner is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. It’s essential to optimize the banner’s resolution and quality to ensure it looks professional and visually appealing. Facebook recommends using a file size of less than 100KB to ensure fast loading times.

Choosing the Right Images and Graphics

Selecting high-quality images and graphics is crucial in creating an effective Facebook banner. It’s essential to choose images that align with your brand and message. Avoid using generic stock photos and opt for custom images that showcase your brand’s unique personality.

Typography and Text Placement

Typography and text placement play a significant role in creating an effective banner. It’s essential to select fonts and colors that complement your brand and message. Ensure that your text is easy to read and placed in a way that doesn’t obstruct the banner’s visual elements.

Crafting Your Facebook Banner Content

Branding and Messaging

Incorporating branding and messaging into your Facebook banner is crucial in creating a cohesive and compelling message. Ensure that your banner reflects your brand’s personality and values. Use messaging that resonates with your target audience and showcases your unique selling proposition.


A call-to-action is an essential component of any effective Facebook banner. It encourages visitors to take action and engage with your brand. Ensure that your call-to-action is strong and effective, using action-oriented language that motivates visitors to take action.

Engaging Your Audience

Engaging your audience through your Facebook banner is crucial in building a loyal following. Use content that resonates with your target audience and showcases your brand’s unique personality. Use humor, storytelling, and other engaging techniques to capture your audience’s attention.

The Role of Creative in the Ad Auction

Advertising on Facebook happens through an auction process to determine which ad should be displayed to each user. Learn how this auction works and the role creative plays in ad delivery.

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Creative Planning for Formats and Placements

Get an overview of all ad formats and placements that are available to you to aid your campaign planning. Use this course to learn about how placements work together to reach people more effectively. See case studies of how each format can deliver a different creative experience.

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Four Dimensions of Liquidity – Intermediate Award

In this training, you’ll learn how media teams that embrace machine learning and Facebook liquidity tools become more efficient and uncover fresh insights. You’ll also learn about the tools that increase liquidity across four dimensions: budget, audience, placement and creative.

Lessons Included:

  • Machine Learning in Advertising
  • Budget Liquidity
  • Placement Liquidity
  • Audience Liquidity
  • Creative Liquidity

Go to to check it out

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How To Get Free Advertising in Any Facebook Group

In this video I show how I can optimize my facebook profile to get potential sales from any #facebookgroup. This is a stealth way to profit from your time inside #facebookgroups.

Step 1 – have Something to Sell

Step 2 – Create A Facebook Banner to Advertise what you are selling

Step 3 – Go to a facebook group that aligns with your product

Step 4 – Go to the members section of the group & select your profile.

Step 5 – Upload Custom Facebook Banner and update your description

Step 6 – Engage with members of the group that you don’t know.

This will work over time and not overnight, you have to engage with other group members so that they will click on your profile to see who you are and what you are about. You may get a sale, a new friend interested in what you are selling or a direct messages asking about what you sell. #facebookgroups #socialmediamarketing #digitalmarketing