Secrets to Getting More Clients: Credit Repair Marketing Secrets with Deanna Knowles
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Your success as a credit repair business owner depends on two things:

1. How well you do for your clients.

2. How many clients you can get.

Most people nowadays will go overboard with the first and forget about the second.

But as today’s podcast guest explains, that’s not an optimal strategy.

Deanna Knowles is a social media marketing expert, she is the CEO of the F.A.M.O.S Group with over a decade of experience in marketing. She also specializes in lead generation for credit repair businesses.

On today’s podcast, she is going to talk us through everything she has learned about credit repair business marketing. Including the best social media strategies, tips, tricks, and hints to maximize your business growth.

Topics such as ninja-hacks to boost conversions and how to generate leads with no experience will be covered.

Everything you need to know about how to best market your credit repair business is right here!

Make sure to check it out!

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)
Lead gen with no experience (04:00)
Defining ‘Hot’ vs ‘Cold’ leads (06:21)
The biggest misconception about credit repair marketing (07:51)
How much to pay per lead (09:32)
How to nurture leads (10:43)
Automating lead gen (12:40)
The importance of follow-up (15:33)
The optimal referral system (17:25)
Real-life case studies (24:12)
Rapid-fire questions (24:50)

#DanielRosen #CreditRepair #CreditHero

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Secrets to Making a Million Dollars in Credit Repair with Bobby Richardson

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How important is credit repair? Listen to this story…

Imagine you’re working 9-5 with a wife and a son to take care of. One day, driving home from work your car breaks down.

You gotta head to the dealership to get a new car for you and your wife. They run through your credit score TWENTY times before coming back to you.

So once you get the offer, you find that you’re going to have to pay double the original value of the car. That’s how bad your credit score is.

This is the story of Bobby Richardson. But the happy ending for him is that he fixed his credit score, started his own business to help others do the same, and within just a matter of months he had made a million dollars from it.

Isn’t that crazy? He’s gone through our program and is now a proud member of our Millionaires Club.

So in today’s episode, he’s gonna share with us everything he has learned on his rollercoaster ride of starting a credit repair business.

Everything from when he hit breaking point, to how he turned his life around so quickly will be covered in this episode.

Make sure to check it out!

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)
Bobby’s amazing story in credit repair (03:34)
How credit repair has changed Bobby’s life (07:53)
How he has scaled so quickly (09:39)
The importance of trial and error (12:43)
The optimal follow-up strategy (13:41)
The best way to grow a team (16:32)
How to avoid Bobby’s mistakes (19:56)
Rapid-fire questions (21:03)
Episode wrap-up (23:05)

#CreditRepair #CreditRepairBusiness #DanielRosen

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How Credit Repair Works: The Secrets to Credit Repair Made Easy

To learn more about credit repair, sign up for our brand new 14-day Credit Hero Challenge:

Today we’re gonna talk about what credit repair actually is.

Because for a lot of you, maybe you just pay your bills, your mortgage every month and don’t really check up on it.

Maybe you’ve got other things to worry about.

That’s just the way some people live.

So today, I want to change your mind. I want to show you exactly what you’re missing out on. And most importantly, I want to teach you how you can take advantage of credit repair.

But when it comes to credit repair, there’s one thing which I think is more important than all the others, and that’s what today’s episode is about.

Today, we are gonna go through the 5 simple steps to learn to dispute inaccurate information on your credit report.

By the end of this, we want you to be pro when it comes to settling disputes on your credit report.

After all, it may be the most important secret when it comes to credit repair!

Key Takeaways:

Intro: (00:00)
The number one most important aspect of credit repair (04:10)
How my own credit score got messed up (04:52)
Why credit disputes are so important (06:18)
The 5 simple steps to handle credit disputes (07:33)
How my book can help you with credit repair (10:25)

#CreditRepair #CreditHero #DanielRosen

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Easy Steps to Fast Credit Card Payments with Rick Kamal

The BIGGEST Industry Secret about Merchant Accounts with Rick Kamal 🤑
You don’t wanna miss these insider tips about merchant accounts from industry expert, Rick Kamal of 5 Star Processing! HOP ON to learn how you can process credit cards to grow your business FAST 💸
#businesscoachonline #creditrepair #fixmycredit

The BIGGEST Industry Secret about Merchant Accounts with Rick Kamal

To learn more about credit repair, sign up for our brand new 14-day Credit Hero Challenge:

Today, I’m interviewing Rick Kamal of 5-Star Processing. An expert in the credit repair industry.

Rick has a background in banking. When he wanted to start helping others he started his own credit repair agency.

Using our software, he was able to mix his history in Merchant Services and his credit repair biz together. Before he knew it, 5-Star Processing was rock and rollin’.

Now, he supplies merchants in EVERY state in the country, and has a team of 35+ people!

In today’s episode, he is here to tell us his own story, how important having a merchant account is, and how it helps you get faster card payments.

Also when you check this out, you’ll learn tips and tricks that you need to know in order to start your own credit repair business!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)
How Rick got started (02:13)
Why you should have a merchant account (04:09)
What you need to get approved (07:49)
Can you start from home? (09:56)
What credit score do you need for one? (13:08)
What you need to have on your website to get approved (15:07)
Why payment gateways are so important (18:46)
The single most important factor in running your business (30:18)
Episode wrap-up (35:36)

#DanielRosen #CreditRepair #MerchantAccounts

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Get the Guide to Getting Paid At Credit Repair at:
#businesscoachonline #creditrepair #fixmycredit

The Secret To Getting An 850 Credit Score

To learn more about credit repair, sign up for our brand new 14-day Credit Hero Challenge:

You know if you put 100 American people into a room…

How many of them do you think would have a credit score above 850?

Well on average, just one of them would.

Isn’t that crazy?

It really makes you wonder what is it that separates these people from the other 99%

So in today’s episode, that’s EXACTLY what we are going to go through. Everything you need to know to take your credit score to 850 FAST is right here.

It’s so much simpler than most people think!

How do I know that?

Because I’ve done it!

I’ve reached 800+ MULTIPLE times in my life before. So once you copy my ‘recipe’ and apply it to your own credit repair journey, your credit score is going to the moon.

Tune into this episode to find all the insider tips and tricks you need to know to get your credit score to 850!

Key Takeaways:

Intro: (00:00)
Steve’s incredible story with Credit Repair (01:13)
What does the average credit score look like? (02:50)
Why you have to keep your spending under control (05:51)
The reason you must pay your bills on time (06:53)
How to gain credibility with clients (08:02)
Should you be checking credit reports? (08:33)
Episode wrap-up (13:44)

#DanielRosen #CreditRepair #CreditScore

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