Art of Communication

The Fundamentals of Effective Communication

Our very success is heavily dependent upon our ability to communicate. This is not just for professional speakers. From schoolchildren to grandparents, everyone should work on improving their communication skills so they can improve their lives. Improving your ability to communicate will be one of the most important things you ever do.


One of the easiest ways to improve your communication is to start by solidifying your base, so to speak, by working on and improving the fundamentals. To get you started, here are a few areas that everyone should know and master.


Communication is powerful—for better and for worse. There is a proverb in the Bible that says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” This is true. What a person says can build people up or tear them down. The ability to communicate is a powerful responsibility. Whole nations have been inspired to action because of single individual’s passionate words. On the other hand, countless millions of children have been deeply hurt because of the derogatory words spoken to them by their parents. You have within you the incredible power of communication. You can create tremendous things in your life if you take communication seriously and use its power to help others and yourself. Combining this knowledge with a heart set on doing good is the first step in unleashing this incredible force!


Communication must be purposeful. In order to be effective, your communication should be on purpose. Yes, occasionally you may say something off the top of your head and that can hold weight with others, but this is the exception and not the rule. In order to become an effective communicator, you should be very purposeful about your communication. Know what you want to communicate, when you want to communicate and how you want to communicate. Decide what kind of communication will enhance your life and the lives of those around you, and plan your steps for communicating in that way. And then work your plan—know what it is you want to accomplish and how must you communicate in order to do so.


What you say must match what you do. Remember, people watch what you do, not just what you say. What you do always outweighs what you say. If you say one thing and do another, people will follow what you do. If you say something and back it up with your actions, you will provide the “proof” for people who are listening to you, and they will much more willingly follow your lead.


Improve the “Big Two”: speaking and writing. When it comes to communication, these are the “Big Two” that everyone can improve upon: speaking and writing. For every one step that you take to increase your ability to speak and write, you will improve your career position two steps. Don’t think that you have to become the best speaker or writer in the world; just set your sights on the next level above where you are now. Once you get there, then continue to work to the next level.


Here are a few tips for becoming a better speaker and writer:


Becoming a better speaker:

– Join Toastmasters.

– Take a college course on public speaking.

– Give a speech in front of a mirror.

– Just speak—wherever you can.


Becoming a better writer:

– Keep a journal.

– Join a writing club.

– Have people who are more skilled than you help edit (and critique) your letters and e-mails.

– Take a college course on writing.

– Write that book you’ve been thinking about.


Becoming a better speaker and writer will be based on three things: doing it, getting feedback and acting on that feedback.


Learn to listen. Communication is not one direction—it goes both ways. To become an effective communicator, you must be a good listener. All of the following examples show the power of listening: the parent who listens for the feelings of his or her child; the salesperson who listens for what kind of product the client wants; the boss who listens to the concerns of his employees. Can you see how listening in those situations enables you to become a better communicator? Once you know what your “audience” wants, you will be able to better communicate to them. We covered listening skills last month in detail. I would encourage you to go back over those items until they become a natural part of you.


Care about the people with whom you communicate. Talk with them, not to them. People don’t want you to talk at them. They want to communicate. Think about it: The root word is commune, which means to live and share together. This is what we do when we communicate together—we share words and ideas. This means we must care about the people we are communicating with. We should be interested in their needs and desires. And when we know those, we can communicate more effectively with them.


Focus on clarity. The most effective communication is clear communication. Many beginning speakers believe that they should be as verbose as possible—but that is not what makes them effective! The important principle is clarity. Do they (the people in your audience) understand your message? That is the question. If they don’t, then you haven’t communicated. Be as clear and as concise as you can. Never go any longer than it takes to make the communication as clear as it needs to be. And, above all, make sure your audience understands your message when you are finished.


Communicate over and over again. In order to be effective, communication must be done over and over again. The parent or boss who yells, “How many times must I tell you?” is really just proving again that people need to hear a message many times before they internalize it. That is just the difficult nature of communication. Very rarely will you be able to communicate something just once and have someone or some group walk away with full understanding. It just doesn’t happen that way. You need to do it often and in varied ways. This is what will make your communication most effective.


Improve your vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. When people hear you or read what you have written, they look for class and style. This can often be noticed through your vocabulary, your pronunciation and your spelling. If you want to be more effective, focus on improving in these areas. A key phrase is that our vocabulary directly affects the way we both view and interpret the world around us. If we have a small vocabulary, it limits our ability to define or communicate what we see, feel and hear. The larger the vocabulary, the better our ability to relate. What size is your view—a peephole or a huge, clear window showing the great expanse of this amazing, wonderful world we live in?


You can become an effective communicator! Start with improving the fundamentals, and you will get better. Once you have mastered the fundamentals—and very few have—then you can start on the advanced areas and become world-class!

Russell Brunson – Entrepreneur of the Year

Russell Brunson – Entrepreneur of the Year

RRussel Brunsonussell Brunson, founder of Click Funnels,  receives Ernst & Young’s prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Russell accepts and gives one heck of an acceptance speech. Later in the episode, Russell shares the amazing story of his late sister Stacy.


What happened at Google?

What happened at Google?

A software vulnerability in the Google+ social media network gave third-party developers potential access to users’ private Google+ profile information for more than three years. Google ran tests to determine the impact of the vulnerability and found 496,951 users who had shared private profile data with a friend could have had data accessed by an outside developer, according to published reports.
If you have a Google+ profile, here’s the information that may have been exposed:

  • Full names
  • Email addresses
  • Birth dates
  • Gender
  • Profile Photos
  • Places lived
  • Occupation
  • Relationship status
Google says there is no evidence that any data has been misused, at the time of this writing. Since Google+ stores a limited set of activity logs, it is unable to determine the profiles that were affected.

Secrets Behind Apple’s Insane Profitability

Apple was the world’s first company to reach a trillion dollar valuation but on the Fortune 500 Global list (ordered based on revenue) they’re 11th place.

Why did they beat out everyone else (who make up to 2x their revenue) in reaching this milestone?

Let’s explore that now in today’s email.

The simple answer is this:

Apple is 11th place in the world for highest revenue in publicly traded companies. But in terms of profit – they are the most profitable company in the world.

To put that into context – Walmart who is number 1 on the Fortune 500 list with revenues of over 500 billion dollars, makes 15 billion in profit.

While Apple makes 230 billion in revenue but 53 billion in profit.

That’s why Apple is so valuable.

So why Apple is so profitable and what can you learn from it to help in your business? Let’s look into that now.

Have you ever imagined how Apple become the first US Company in the world to reach a market cap of over $1 trillion?

Have you wondered why Apple keeps raking in over $25 billion in profits since 2005?

Ingenious marketing?

Marketing strategy is important, but their success is more than a marketing strategy. It is a way of life.

Apple is 11th on the Fortune 500 list and is the number one profit-making company in the World. Its fortunes grow at a rate that has puzzled business analysts and observers for decades.

But, Apple’s success isn’t about selling many products; it is about changing the game in every facet possible. Their strategy has created an environment where “Apple Fanboys” by the thousands wait in line for hours to purchase the next hot product.

Despite heavy criticisms and the fact that their inventions are no longer “revolutionary”, Apple keeps waxing strong. Their success could be contributed to their mind grappling technique and the ability to combine high tech devices with groundbreaking designs.

In this article, I will reveal seven secrets behind Apple’s success and how you can adapt it to your business.

#1 From Lackluster To Luxurious

Apple is known for creating some of the sexiest products on the planet.

But it wasn’t always this way.

Back when cell phones were first coming out they were large, clunky, and unappealing. More than anything they served a functional purpose and that was it. However, Steve Jobs was obsessed with making the designs, simple, attractive, and turning them into something considered luxurious.

Owning an iPhone is more than owning a smartphone—it is a symbol of status.

A research paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research reported that people who own an iPhone are 69.1 percent more likely to have a higher income. Overall, owning an iPhone doesn’t mean you are rich but it does serve as a reliable indicator that you are part of a higher income bracket.

This is the image that Apple has cultivated with their smooth design, slick marketing, and product packaging.

Try to emulate this in your own business. Rather than throwing a sticker on an Alibaba “me too” product, spend time designing something unique and special. Think about creating an experience for the customer, from the packaging to the final product. Make your products something that people are proud to own and show off.

Make it a status symbol to own what you sell.

After all, the best marketing is word of mouth and nothing beats personal references in this day and age.

#2 Simplicity

Apple understands that if the customers are confused about what they have to offer, their products will not sell.

But, it goes a bit deeper than this.

Steve Jobs was passionate to the point of obsession with the design of his products.

He was inspired by his old neighborhood and developers like, Joseph Eichler, who created homes that featured clean design and simple taste at an affordable cost.

This inspiration led Jobs to want to create elegant products that were sleekly designed for the masses. It resulted in the design of the first Mac, which was constructed in a way that looked immaculate both inside and out, and again with the iPod.

Unique and simple design has now become a hallmark of all Apple products. Anyone can pick up an iPhone, which is objectively a technically advanced product, and learn how to use it in just a few minutes. You can even watch a 3 year old navigate an iPad like it’s the most intuitive thing in the world.

But, they don’t stop at the product.

Take a look at their packaging. It’s designed with the same care and attention to detail that goes into their products.


Clean colors, little text, a picture, and solid materials.

This all has a great impact on the entire customer experience. Everything is perceived value, which is why people happily line up to buy $1,000 phones all over the world.

It’s not impossible to emulate this. If you’re terrible at design or don’t know where to start, hire a professional designer and give them your input. Usually a talented designer can make some beautiful designs with very little input.

You’ll find that this process can be incredibly frustrating but also fun and highly rewarding when you come up with something that is new and fresh.

If it fits your product and niche, think about implementing some of these strategies into your brand and see how the customers react.

To give you an example of this here is something a friend showed me awhile ago with a typical PL-style product – iPhone cases.


Just some simple changes to their packaging add a premium feel to it.

The friend who showed me this actually sent it to me on WhatsApp over 2.5 years ago, but when I was writing this email I remembered it instantly and searched back for it.

The reason why I still remember it to this day is the Signatures.

I really like that they added the Signatures of the founders on the packaging, it’s such a small and simple thing – but the effect of it is significant, it really adds to the premium feel of the product.

Like it’s an Artisan Luxury product, like how when you open a Mercedes Benz AMG engine there’s a signature from the person who assembled your engine.


Apple has their own signature going with the classic “Designed by Apple in California.” engraved on the back of every single one of their products.

Think about how you can do something similar with your products.

#3 Strong Supply Chain

In 2011, statistics show that Apple performed much better than HP, Blackberry, Motorola and some other companies in respect to inventory management. A research firm, Gartner, also ranked Apple’s Supply Chain as the best in the world due to their ability to scale so quickly to meet demand.

Much of the hype around Apple’s #1 ranked supply chain has been attributed to CEO Tim Cook, who is considered a “supply chain specialist.”

In addition to Apple’s strong relationships with their suppliers, Apple also uses advanced inventory tracking mechanisms, which allows them to be flexible during times when they need to increase output during peak demand.

Furthermore, it’s no secret that most of their manufacturing has been outsourced to China. This strategy has been instrumental in their outstanding production rate and large profits—something that wouldn’t be possible at the same rate if they used US-based factories.

Fun Fact: Apple turns over their inventory every 5 days! Yes 5 DAYS!

For an electronics consumer company, this is an incredible feat. The only company to beat Apple in this turnover rate is McDonalds, which turns over inventory every 2.5 days.

How do they do it?

Once again, fingers point the “operational genius,” Tim Cook. When Cook took over in 1998 he streamline Apple’s entire supply chain by cutting excess costs and sitting inventory. He also shut down 10 of the company’s 19 warehouses to restrict overstocking. This resulted in bringing the turnover rate down from one month to 5 days.

As an e-commerce seller, think about how you can learn from what Apple has done on a massive scale.

Have you ever calculated your turnover rate?

Are you carrying too much inventory?

Is your supply chain optimized for different times of year?

You should be calculating this stuff and figuring out where you can make improvements. If you’re sitting on 6 months of inventory just because you don’t like placing a lot of orders, you’re leaving money on the table, plain and simple. All of that tied up cash could go towards launching new products and increasing your bottom line.

Any physical components for your product should be sourced from the highest quality suppliers who you can build long-term relationships with. Like Apple, this will help you when you need to push them for a large order and a quick turnaround time. They will be more likely to you favors if you have established a solid relationship.

After you’ve nailed down each part of this process you should have a well-oiled machine that takes inputs like ideas, information, money, and creates outputs like your hot selling private label products and large profits!

#4 Hiring Results

While other companies are busy hiring and training “professionals” in a field, Apple is interested in an individual that can deliver. Thus, most of the Apple’s employees are insanely good at what they do.

As a company, your ability to deliver top-notch services is connected to the skills of your employees. Employing a highly skilled and passionate person will push your business to the top. Spend time in the hiring process to learn what makes people tick and decide if they fit your long-term goals of your business.

#5 Don’t Waste Money

Every year, Apple spends billions on research and development (R&D) to improve their product and launch new products. However, this money is spent so efficiently that Apple still produces more revenue than any other tech company while spending less on R&D.

Just a few examples here will demonstrate this point:

  • Amazon 2017 R&D Spend: $16.1 billion; 2017 Revenue: $178 billion
  • Google 2017 R&D Spend: $13.9 billion; 2017 Revenue: $110 billion
  • Samsung 2017 R&D Spend: $12.7 billion; 2017 Revenue: $222 billion

To contrast, in 2017 Apple spent $10 billion on R&D while generating $228 billion in revenue, clearly outselling each of the above competitors.

What’s crazier, as of July 31st, 2018 Apple had 243.7 billion in cash on hand! Yes, you read that correctly. That is an INSANE amount of cash to just be sitting there. But it’s not all for nothing.

Apple knows when to use their resources for the right projects and it has suited them well so far. They don’t spend cash on unnecessary or low ROI projects. They focus their efforts and spend where it matters.

If your own business is growing at a nice rate and you’re making more cash than ever before, keep this story in mind.

Don’t just assume you can start throwing cash at every product that comes to thought. With great upswings will come downswings and you need to have that cushion to protect your business during a rainy day (or year).

When the time is right, focus your efforts and spend your cash in the most efficient way possible that will help grow your business and give you a positive ROI.

#6 Charge More

The first generation iPhone was released at a price of $499 in 2007.

A decade later and the newly released iPhone Xs is going for $999—double the price.

Sure you can account for inflation but inflation surely hasn’t doubled in a decade. Apple is charging more and more for their products, because they can.

They are able to do this for a few reasons:

  1. Perceived Value – Apple products are perceived to be the highest quality phones on the market, with excellent cameras, apps, and a variety of slick features.
  2. Image – Due to great marketing over the years, Apple has positioned themselves as the “cool” brand that other “cool” people want to buy.
  3. Integrated Ecosystem – Apple produces a variety of technology products that all interact with one another. If you already own a Macbook, it makes it that much easier to just buy an iPhone because you can sync contacts, calendar, music, and so much more.

All of these factors allow Apple to charge more for their goods and it reinforces their products as being viewed as “luxurious” as described above.

Once again, you too can do this with your own products. Building a strong brand image and cohesive design around all of your products is a solid strategy for charging more for the same goods.

Many people use price as a proxy for quality so try to build your products in a way that allows you to fulfill that perception. Your customers will be happy that they are getting something that is of higher quality and you will be happy because you can charge a higher price and enjoy larger profits.

Apple has shown time and time again that they are the dominant technology company of the world. With billions in annual profits, it’s no secret that they execute and execute well.

You too can implement the secrets above in your business with a little diligence, time and consistency. Don’t be surprised when you see a jump in your profits in the long run.

Hope these tips help!

How can YOU be the Apple of your category/niche?

If your brand has traction, take the time to think this through and think about how you can reinvent your brand.

Most of us build our first Amazon brands with little thought, we just want to get to market quickly. But once it’s all validated and profitable – it’s worth revisiting things.

Forbes: XRP Price Explosion Marks Week Of Big Ideas

In a week when the XRP cryptocurrency more than doubled in price on speculation it would be used by a number of Ripple projects, news percolated around a few unrelated big ideas that seem primed to explode (whether we like it or not).

The first big idea on the verge of making a big impact on the cryptocurrency world is crypto custody. With new entrants, including cryptocurrency juggernaut Coinbase getting into the space, the ways in which cryptocurrency owners access their assets are getting increasingly sophisticated. With an estimated $20 billion trapped on the sidelines by investors afraid they’ll get hacked, a rising tide of competition in this space could lead to an explosion of liquidity.

Another form of competition, coming from China, is also simmering on the back burner. In the past month China’s central bank began testing a blockchain platform for small businesses and its supreme court declared that evidence could be stored on a blockchain. But as the world’s most populated nation invests significantly in developing blockchain, the underlying motive seems to be clear: prevent innovators in other nations from wresting away the government’s total financial hegemony.

Regardless of whether China proves an innovative force in blockchain or snuffs out its potential through calculated maneuvering, the whole world stands to gain if these next two big ideas become a reality.

Over the course of the past year a number of anti-global warming projects have made significant headway with both mandatory and voluntary carbon markets powered by blockchains. Highlighted by these efforts are some of the very qualities that made blockchain popular in the early days, including the ability to prevent double spends, increased transparency and the trust that creates in the system. The result could be a network owned by the public that incentivizes corporate behavior to help nurture the environment.

As one batch of innovators is using blockchain to improve corporate behavior, another is targeting media. With more than half of the respondents to a recent Gallup poll saying they believe the media is biased, a number of blockchain efforts have identified the shared, distributed ledger of a blockchain as a way to increase the trust an audience places in the press, and hold reporters publicly accountable when they violate that bond.

On Wednesday, Forbes contributor Dante Disparte summed up such large scale problems being confronted by blockchain innovators in the starkest terms. In an article titled Misfortune And Misery As New Asset Classes the Risk Cooperative founder wrote, “The world’s best hope of reining in the modern era’s four horsemen riding on steeds of climate change, extreme income inequality, pandemic threats and the erosion of institutional trust, largely depends on financial engineering, technological innovation and political will.”

Current Price Of Top 5 Coins (by market cap)

Bitcoin (BTC): $6,778
Ether (ETH): $228
XRP (XRP): $0.6173
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): $483
EOS (EOS): $5.78

🥊3 Reasons why you don’t tell people what you make at your job!

🥊3 Reasons why you don’t tell people what you make at your job.

1. You are overpaid for the value/work you bring to the company.

There are probably people right next to you that do 2 times the work and get paid less than you. If they knew the amount of money you made they would quit.😋

2. You are underpaid and embarrassed to show what you are earning.

You want to make more, hope to make more but right now you don’t have much to show for your efforts. You do most of the work at your job and get the least of the credit.🙄

3. You are hiding in plain sight. 👻

You show up to work, clock in, clock out, and go home. You don’t wish to stand out because you fear added work load. You don’t under perform because you need this job as a safety net so you do just enough not to get fired. 💥💣

In entrepreneurship, most people want to know how much money are you making. How much revenue do you do a month? On a job site it’s taboo to asking someone what they make or to negotiate your paycheck during an interview.

😎In entrepreneurship, home based business their is no negotiations. There is no promise or guaranteed paycheck. You have to show up and perform everyday whether or not you get paid.

It is a scary place to be when you have days where you work hard, and put in long hours and didn’t make a dime.😥

Then there are those days where money show up in your bank account and you’re wondering “where da hell did this come from?” 😊

You are now motivated to push through another week, another month, another year.

👨🏿‍🎓Entrepreneurship is an adventure, you get to go different places, experience various things.

👨‍🏫The most important thing you remember is your growth. What have you become while being on the journey.

Like & Comment if this post resonates with you in some way. 👍

Share 🤝 this post if you have friends that need to hear this message.


30 Day Book Review – What’s Inside

What is inside the 30 Day Blueprint Book?

The “30 Days” book is a 550+ page hardcover book of ALL the compiled battleplans (Day 1 through Day 30) from each speaker during the “30 Days Interview Series”.

That means,

You’ll not only watch them talk about their plan…you can actually SEE the “big picture” laid out right in front of you!

You can HOLD it in your hands…

You can page through, and reference it as you try out new business ideas…

You can highlight key ‘a-ha’ moments’ as you read, and make notes in the margins….


Here is the list 30 Day Blueprints organized by each speaker:

Trey Lewellen – The Proprietary “Reactive Startup Formula” That Makes Launching Your Product Painless…And Virtually Guarantees Your Success!
Liz Benny – Secrets Of A High-End ($10K+) Coaching Program
Garrett J. White – The “Core 4” For Achieving Success
Alison J. Prince – How My School-Age Daughters Built Their Own 6-Figure ECommerce Empire…In Just 9 Months
Dana Derricks – The “Dream 100” Method That Helped Generate Millions In Revenue For Myself And My Clients
Julie Stoian – The 3 “Profitability” Steps You Absolutely MustAccomplish During Your First Week To Establish Credibility, And Attract High-Ticket Customers And Clients
Stephen Larsen – The “Purple Ocean” Approach To Identifying Products That Your Fans Would Body-Check Their Grandmas To Buy
Stacey and Paul Martino – The 3 Non-Negotiables For Setting Yourself Up For Success (…Before You Even Start Your Funnel)
Ed Osburn – The #1 Factor That’s Exponentially More Powerful Than A Testimonial For Getting Your Clients And Customers From A “Maybe” To A “Yes!”
Tyler Shaule – 4 Simple Steps To Crafting Your Irresistible Fundraising “Offer”

Rachel Pedersen – How I Take Entrepreneur Clients From $4,000/Mth To Pulling In Up To $7,000 PER DAY

Jeremy McGilvrey – My Foolproof “HCBA” Hack That Pinpoints Profitable, In-Demand Niches In Just MINUTES
Peng Joon – How To Attract Attendees To Your $1K-Per-Ticket LIVE Event In Just 45 Minutes…(And FILL Every Seat In The Room)
Myron Golden – The Selling Strategies I Use To Help My Clients Rake In Up To $10 MILLION Per Year Each
Jaime Cross – Mastering the “Convergence Quadrant” Method: Optimize Your Offers Before You Ever Start Building Your Funnel
Dan Henry – The Unusual Approach That Led Me To Build A $3 Million Business In Just ONE Year
Joe McCall – Simple Techniques That Create An Irresistible High-Ticket Coaching Offer
Spencer Mecham – How To Attract Buyers To Your Affiliate Programs On Autopilot
Anissa Holmes – How To Leverage FB To Land Clients To Consistently Fill Up Every Slot In Your Schedule
Dean Holland – Everything From FB Group, Webinar Strategies, Collaborations, And Getting Affiliates To WANT To Help Promote You!
Rob Kosberg – My Top-Secret “Embarrassingly Simple” Strategies That Enable Me to Land $25,000 Sales (Day After Day) From A Webinar
Natalie Hodson – How To Identify And Approach Your PERFECT Influencers To Promote Your Lead Magnet… (And Get The Most “YESes” Possible!)
Pat Rigsby – The EXACT Process I’ve Repeated Over And Over Again To Create 7 Businesses That Make At Least $1 Million Per Year
Caitlin Pyle – How To Build INSTANT Credibility And Authority In Your Niche (Even If You’re “New And Unknown” At The Moment)
Akbar Sheikh – How To Create An Almost INSTANT Coaching Practice That Attracts Your Perfect Clients
Rhonda Swan – How I Traded My All-Day “Hustle” For A Tripwire Funnel That Shot From “Zero” To 6-Figures In Just WEEKS
David Asarnow – The Lost PHILOSOPHY That Earned Me An 8-Figure Award…FOUR TIMES!
Raoul Plickat – Tapping Into Your “A.G.P.” To Accomplish Any Goal In HALF The Time
James P. Friel – The SINGLE Biggest Mistake That Holds New Business Owners Back…(and keeps them from ever achieving the success they dream of)
You can still get UNLIMITED lifetime access to all 30 interviews, (plus never-before seen extra interviews from each speaker, and the “30 Days” 550-page book) for FREE as bonuses when you join the ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge!
30 Days Blueprint
  •  ‘One Funnel Away’ Coaching With Two Comma Club Coach Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian ($997 Value)
  •  Customized 30-Day Plan & Daily Action Steps ($247 Value)
  •  “30 Days” Hardcover Book ($97 Value)
  •  Unlimited Lifetime Access To “30 Days” Interviews ($47 Value)
  •  Never-Before-Seen Two Comma Club Funnel Interviews ($47 Value)
Total Value: $1,435
If you want to get your funnel LIVE and start building your business, then this is the mission we’re giving you…
You have 30 Days, starting October 15th…
Do YOU Accept?
Only For $100


30 Days Summit Ends Today

Day 3 of “30 Days” is LIVE, and I can’t wait for you to see what we’ve got planned for today…

Or should I say, “who” we’ve got planned…

Click below to access Day 3, and come join us now!


Today is the last day to get Access.

Want to know which speakers will be sharing their Day 1 through Day 30 action plans with you today?


Rob Kosberg – My Top-Secret “Embarrassingly Simple” Strategies That Enable Me to Land $25,000 Sales (Day After Day) From A Webinar

Natalie Hodson – How To Identify And Approach Your PERFECT Influencers To Promote Your Lead Magnet… (And Get The Most “YESes” Possible!)

Pat Rigsby – The EXACT Process I’ve Repeated Over And Over Again To Create 7 Businesses That Make At Least $1 Million Per Year

Caitlin Pyle – How To Build INSTANT Credibility And Authority In Your Niche (Even If You’re “New And Unknown” At The Moment)

Akbar Sheikh – How To Create An Almost INSTANT Coaching Practice That Attracts Your Perfect Clients

Rhonda Swan – How I Traded My All-Day “Hustle” For A Tripwire Funnel That Shot From “Zero” To 6-Figures In Just WEEKS

David Asarnow – The Lost PHILOSOPHY That Earned Me An 8-Figure Award…FOUR TIMES!

Raoul Plickat – Tapping Into Your “A.G.P.” To Accomplish Any Goal In HALF The Time

James P. Friel – The SINGLE Biggest Mistake That Holds New Business Owners Back…(and keeps them from ever achieving the success they dream of)

REMEMBER – All of these interviews will disappear by 11:59pm tonight!

You can still get UNLIMITED lifetime access to all 30 interviews, (plus never-before seen extra interviews from each speaker, and the “30 Days” 550-page book) for FREE as bonuses when you join the ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge!

Get UNLIMITED Lifetime Access To ALL The Interviews (And 2 Other Bonuses) Here >> www.30Days.Club