Is Wi-Fi Marketing Right for Your Business?

Is Wi-Fi Marketing Right for Your Business?

You’re happy when you go into a business and they offer free Wi-Fi. Don’t you want your customers to feel that way too?

Let’s face it.

Nobody likes having to eat into their monthly data allowance to look something up on the fly. When you are home, your phone is connected to your Wi-Fi. And, when you go into a business that makes their Wi-Fi available to their customers, you’re grateful.

Guess what that means?

The free Wi-Fi you offer your customers is also – drum roll, please – a terrific marketing opportunity .

Handle it right, and you can use that connection to build your list, gather information about your customers, and even improve your customer service.

Here’s how.

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What is Wi-Fi Marketing?

Wi-Fi marketing is simply marketing that’s targeted to a customer’s mobile device.

When you make your Wi-Fi available to customers, you can begin collecting information about them even before they get access.

Once you have their information and they’re online with you, you can target them with ads, including both general ads and offers tailored specifically to their behavior when they’re in your store, or in the proximity of your store!

As you might expect, Wi-Fi marketing is best suited to businesses with a physical location.

If you own a restaurant, bar, club, or retail store – or any other business where customers come to see you regularly – you can benefit from using Wi-Fi marketing.

Is Wi-Fi Marketing Right for Your Business?

Using Wi-Fi Marketing to Build Your List

Do you have an email list?

Granting customers access to your Wi-Fi, or an ‘open’ SECONDARY Wi-Fi connection, is a great way to build your list.

You could open up your Wi-Fi without gathering information about your customers, but why would you?

Most people would be willing to give up their email address to get some free Wi-Fi.

You can tether your Wi-Fi login to a simple opt-in box that asks for the customer’s email address and first name.

Once you have their email addresses, you can use them to send promotions and relevant content that will help turn them from one-time visitors into loyal customers.

Another option, if you’re using SMS marketing (or want to), is to ask customers for their mobile number instead of (or in addition to) their email address. A word of caution, though – as I’ve told you before – adding one extra field to a form can decrease your conversion rate. My advice is to pick either an email address or a mobile number and go from there.

Wi-Fi Marketing Ideas to Try

Building your list is only the start of what you can do with Wi-Fi marketing. Here are some other ideas that you may want to consider.

Collect Customer Analytics

Having access to your customers’ mobile devices means that you can collect a huge amount of data about them without any fuss. Wi-Fi marketing allows you to collect:

  • Demographic information
  • Purchasing behavior
  • Physical behavior (the frequency of their visits)

You can use the information you collect to tailor specific offers to your customers and send them notifications of upcoming sales and events.

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Social Wi-Fi Marketing

Another option is to allow customers to log in to your Wi-Fi using their social media accounts. You’ve seen this on a lot of sites, I bet. Many customers will choose the convenience of logging in with an existing account over creating a new one.

You might wonder about this one. After all, it doesn’t allow you to collect email addresses or mobile numbers.

Is it really worthwhile?

I’d say it depends. If your social media game is strong – and it should be by now! – then you can use your Wi-Fi login as a way of encouraging people to follow your social media accounts.

When people follow you on Facebook and Instagram, you get access to both their demographic information and their personal interests. This data can help you do a better job of targeting them with marketing and offers.

Inform Customers  

Wi-Fi marketing offers you the ability to provide relevant and useful information about your business and products directly to your customers.

A lot of products have a learning curve. Whether you’re introducing a new product or offering up ideas of ways to use an existing one, your Wi-Fi marketing can help you prime your customers to buy from you.

It’s also a way of engaging with your customers on an ongoing basis. People like to feel connected to the brands they use. You can connect in a way that doesn’t seem pushy, by giving people access to your Wi-Fi connection.

Think of it as wireless lead nurturing.

Every person who walks into your business could turn into a long-term customer. Wi-Fi marketing can help you move them down that road.

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Provide Customer Service

In an ideal world, every customer would be thrilled with you and they’d buy from you for the rest of their lives.

But we don’t live in an ideal world. You know that.

Wireless marketing can allow you to follow up with customers after they leave your business and gather information about their experience. For example, you could send them a survey to complete. Or, you could simply touch base with a quick email or text.

Either way, you’re letting them know that you care about them and their experience and that you’re willing to do what’s necessary to turn them into loyal customers.

Is Wi-Fi Marketing Right for Your Business?

Reward Customers

When people visit your business regularly, it’s a good idea to reward them. With Wi-Fi marketing, rewarding them is easy.

Because you can track who accesses your Wi-Fi, you’ll know when a customer visits you more than once, buys something, or makes multiple purchases.

You can use that information to target them with a thank you email or text that includes a coupon for their next visit or an exclusive offer based on their buying behavior.

This kind of direct marketing is hugely effective because it makes each customer feel valued. It’s a great way to turn a one-time buyer into a loyal customer.

Wi-Fi isn’t just for you…  

You can use it to connect with customers, gather valuable data about them, and give them incentives to buy from you again… and again.

You think about that,

Written by Ruben Santiago

Ruben Santiago is a bilingual Digital Marketer and Business Coach, and the Hispanic Marketing Director/Content Producer for Builderall. Ruben specializes in helping everyday people generate new income streams by utilizing the Builderall platform for their online businesses, as well as sharing the Builderall Business professional affiliate opportunity.

What Everyone NEEDS to KNOW To be MORE SUCCESSFUL in Life

Your mind is like a software program and sometimes it can acquire a virus!

Your LIFE runs on a PATTERN of behaviors made up of your thoughts, words, emotions, and performance. Some of these patterns are DETRIMENTAL to your growth and are like VIRUSES OF THE MIND. And most of the time, you are not even aware of them!

These subconscious programs running in your mind can STEAL your ability to be HAPPIER, more JOYFUL, to PRODUCE at the highest level and ENGAGE with the people around you. These patterns and programs are so powerful that they can even OVERRIDE your thoughts and cause a disconnect between your beliefs are and how you actually behave and experience life. This is exactly how you can BELIEVE one thing but BEHAVE in complete opposition to that belief! 

I always say, you ARE how you FEEL… but you also have the POWER TO CHOOSE how you feel!  Do you want to continue feeling PAIN, SADNESS, ANXIETY, and FEAR on a regular basis or would you rather trade those in for feelings of BLISS FULFILLMENT, JOY, LOVE, AND RECOGNITION? 

Your current levels of joy, happiness and fulfillment are EXACTLY what you believe you deserve. Your life is a direct reflection of your identity – the thoughts concepts beliefs values and worth you place on yourself.  This episode is going to UNLOCK your ability to CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS and invoke your power of choice! 

The most SUCCESSFUL and FULFILLED people are extremely self aware.  Simply by being AWARE of patterns, When they appear, forces them to lose the majority of their power and influence over us! Find out how to identify the detrimental subconscious patterns in your life and reprogram your mind with CONSCIOUS patterns that create the emotions that you WANT to experience more of. More BLISS! More HAPPINESS! MORE FULFILLMENT! But the goal is not just to achieve bliss in your own life, but to also intentionally create bliss in the lives of the people you care most about! 

Get ahead of 99% of the world and learn how to CONTROL your emotions and CHOOSE how you experience life!

Unlock The Unlimited Power of Your Mind Today

Turn your brain from a record of the past into a map of the future with Dr. Joe Dispenza! We’ve all experienced a moment of bliss where we felt like the opportunities were limitless and for no apparent reason, you were in a state of bliss. The secret to feeling that way EVERY DAY and experiencing HAPPINESS for no reason at all is here!

If those subconscious thoughts can cause you to NOT take action, to MISS your greatest opportunities, to DOUBT and SHAME yourself, to cause STRESS and ANXIETY, just IMAGINE what a transformation you can make in your own life if you are able to take control of your subconscious mind and replace those thoughts with thoughts that SERVE you.

Most people are waiting for an EXTERNAL element to take away the guilt, sadness, depression, and stress. But the secret to happiness and fulfillment is WITHIN YOU! In this episode, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares the secrets to training your body and your mind to experience success before it even happens! Find out how to leave your guilt, pain, and anxiety in the past so you can TRANSFORM YOUR IDENTITY and CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Its time to release the negative emotions of the past so you can finally reclaim power back over your life. It’s time to stop looking for success and start BEING success. Become more fulfilled, more empowered, fill yourself with self-love and manifest the exact things you are seeking.


Simon Sinek’s Top 10 Rules For Success

He’s Simon Sinek and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success.

He’s an author, speaker, and consultant who writes on leadership and management. He joined the RAND Corporation in 2010 as an adjunct staff member, where he advises on matters of military innovation and planning. He’s known for popularizing the concepts of “the golden circle” and to “Start With Why”.

Power of a Dream

As adults, we need to realize that the power of a dream will enable you to achieve whatever your ultimate “WHY” in life is. By the age 25, most people lose all of their dreams and fall into a rut.

From the age 25-65, people generally go back and forth to work and say to
themselves,” I wish…if only I could have…if only I knew then what I know now,” and
numerous other lamentations as to why they do not feel fulfilled in life.

The key in life to feeling fulfilled is to simply listen to your inner spirit and make your daily work in life something that you love to do and will help you achieve your DREAMS!

The key word in that sentence is DREAMS! Too many people when asked, “Where do you see yourself 2-5 years from now” give the answer, “Just let me make it to this weekend.” The underlying reason that they don’t know where they are going to be is because they have no dreams.

This can be extremely frightening! Each of the teenagers that I spoke to this week has dreams for their life and where they see themselves in the future.

As a professional speaker and business coach, my ultimate outcome is to empower people to find their WHY in life — to catapult them to attain their dreams in life.

I also spoke to the group about how important it is to be around a mastermind team, which will push you on and let you know it is awesome you have a dream.

As an overall population, over 95% of adults have no mastermind team but they have group of so-called friends, who will tell every reason why they should never try to win and to just accept their life.

You need to stop right now and take a personal inventory of your life and ask yourself three life-changing questions:

1) WHAT is my WHY in LIFE!!! (Why I am getting up each and every day?)

2) WHO is my Mastermind Team?

3) WHERE do I see myself 2-5 years from now?

When you answer these questions you need to be honest with yourself and tell yourself the truth because the truth shall set you FREE! The key to living a fulfilled life is waking up each day with a driving desire to achieve your “WHY”.

The key to winning in life is to be part of a winning team and realize life decisions are challenging but very beneficial. Bring your Dreams back to life!

Find your WHY & FLY!

We hope you found this useful..

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Simon Sinek on Leadership at TED – A must watch video for All CEOs and Management – Dev Gadhvi India

Simon Sinek discuss key points of leadership and how things can change in an organization if they work on leadership.

Want to increase your online sales?

Making Your Offers Irresistible

Want to increase your online sales? Make sure your offer is one they can’t pass up!

Any offer you make through your Internet copywriting needs to be worth the readers’ time. Time is valuable and there is no bigger waste of time – for you as the creator or for your reader – than a worthless offer.

A number of years ago, a newspaper advertising sales rep went to her boss, disgusted that her client would not buy the ad schedule she pitched. It turned out that the last time the client ran an ad – five years before – “I didn’t get a single result from my coupon” that he ran way back then. 
The coupon was for a free coffee refill… something that was already common practice at the restaurant. Honestly, who would bother?

“Go back and tell that man we’ll run his ad for free if he will live up to the offer we create,” was the ad manager’s response. 
From there, he proceeded to tell the young sales rep to tell the client that the coupon would read “Bring this in for $1.00 in cash.” So, she did.

The client naturally refused because he knew he would have too many takers. What he finally admitted to himself is that his advertising did not work because his offer was lousy. 
Keep this business owner’s woes in mind as you plan to create your own irresistible offers with your Internet copywriting.

Make your offer one that is worth the time it takes to respond. A “Free 60 day trial” is a pretty good offer for an online program. What kind of offers can your business make? 

The key to getting readers to respond to your offers is to make them irresistible. Can you afford to knock several dollars off the fee for your product or service? Or maybe you can make a strong guarantee, making your product or service almost risk free. Transferring the risk from the customer to you will help remove resistance to your offer.

Whatever it is you decide to offer, honor the offer at all costs. Keep your word and potential customers will quickly fall into place as current customers spread the word.

If you have never done any Internet copywriting before, don’t worry about it. No one knows your product or service as well as you do. Because of your passion for the product or service you are selling, you know it better than even a professional copywriter. 
Let that passion lead your Internet copywriting as you work to create the perfect offer that your potential customers just cannot refuse!

If you need some help creating an irresistible offer for your Internet copywriting, ask yourself, “What would make me buy?” Think about your answer. Is it do-able? If so, let that be your irresistible offer. 

You can always make it available for a limited time (another good way to get people to act quickly) in case you decide the offer is too good to be very profitable.

Add a sense of urgency to your offer to get people to act immediately. If they put it off, they are likely to forget about it and you end up losing the sale. Adding a sense of urgency can be done by limiting the quantity or time of the offer or both. 
For example, the special offer is good only for the next 100 people who order, or the offer expires in 48 hours. You can even use both to heighten the sense of urgency. 

In summary, make your offer irresistible. Make it worth the effort to the customer to place the order. Transfer the risk from the customer to you and add a sense of urgency. 
Then be sure to live up to what you have written in you copy. If you do these thing, you’ll see your sales skyrocket!

Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

Looking for productivity tips for entrepreneurs? In this interview, Angie Gensler share her secret to getting it all done while balancing life as a business owner, wife and mom. Angie believes owning a business doesn’t have to require non-stop hustle. The key is knowing your natural rhythms and energy cycles and tapping into them to maximize your creativity and productivity.

Watch the full interview to learn how to apply these concepts to your own life and business and become a more productive entrepreneur. Angie also shares her favorite productivity tools and apps and offers a free gift at the end of the interview to help you manage social media without the overwhelm. Grab your free copy of the Social Media Cheat Sheet here: